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var CDeadline = $('input#CDeadline').val(); var DType = $("#DType option:selected").val(); var post='deadline=' + deadline + '&CDeadline=' + CDeadline + '&DType=' + DType; var act_file = myPath +"act_course_trainer_deadline.php"; $.post(act_file, post, function(data) { $("div#responce_trainer_course_deadline").html(data); }); }); } // ==================== Course Invitation Email Template ============================================================ function form_trainer_invemail() { $('#trainer_invemail').on('click', function() { var invsubject = $('input#invsubject').val(); var invbody = $('textarea#invbody').val(); var post='invsubject=' + invsubject + '&invbody=' + invbody; var act_file = myPath +"act_course_invitationEmail.php"; $.post(act_file, post, function(data) { $("div#responce_trainer_invemail").html(data); }); }); } // ==================== Course Reminder Email Template ============================================================ function form_trainer_rmdemail() { $('#trainer_rmdemail').on('click', function() { var rmdsubject = $('input#rmdsubject').val(); var rmdbody = $('textarea#rmdbody').val(); var post='rmdsubject=' + rmdsubject + '&rmdbody=' + rmdbody; var act_file = myPath +"act_course_reminderEmail.php"; $.post(act_file, post, function(data) { $("div#responce_trainer_rmdemail").html(data); }); }); } // ==================== Course COMPLETED Email Template ============================================================ function form_trainer_compemail() { $('#trainer_compemail').on('click', function() { var compsubject = $('input#compsubject').val(); var compbody = $('textarea#compbody').val(); var post='compsubject=' + compsubject + '&compbody=' + compbody; var act_file = myPath +"act_course_completionEmail.php"; $.post(act_file, post, function(data) { $("div#responce_trainer_compemail").html(data); }); }); } // ==================== TRAINEE ACTIVITY EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS ============================================================ function form_receive_email_notifications() { $('#trainer_noti').on('click', function() { var Cnotification = $("#Cnotification option:selected").val(); var post='Cnotification=' + Cnotification; var act_file = myPath +"act_trainee_notification_emails.php"; $.post(act_file, post, function(data) { $("div#responce_receive_email_notifications").html(data); }); }); } // ==================== Certifications options ============================================================ function form_course_certs() { $('#cert_btn').on('click', function() { var icerts = $("#issue_certs").attr("checked") ? 1 : 0; var scerts = $("#score_certs").attr("checked") ? 1 : 0; //document.write("i am here"); var post='icerts=' + icerts + '&scerts=' + scerts; var act_file = myPath +"act_course_certs.php"; $.post(act_file, post, function(data) { $("div#responce_course_certs").html(data); }); }); } // ==================== Course access ============================================================ function form_course_access() { $('#course_access').on('click', function() { var access = $("input[name='access']:checked").val() var post='access=' + access; var act_file = myPath +"act_course_access.php"; $.post(act_file, post, function(data) { $("div#responce_course_access").html(data); }); }); } // ==================== Course Invitation email to existing trainees ================================= function course_invemail_existingtrainees() { $('#invemail_trainees').on('click', function() { var invto = $('input#invto').val(); var invsubject = $('input#invsubject').val(); var invbody = $('textarea#invbody').val(); var post='invto='+invto+ '&invsubject=' + invsubject + '&invbody=' + invbody; var act_file = myPath +"act_invemail_existingTrainees.php"; $.post(act_file, post, function(data) { $("div#responce_invemail_existingtrainees").html(data); }); }); } // ==================== Course Invitation email to existing trainees ================================= function course_invemail_anyone() { $('#invemail_anyone').on('click', function() { var invto = $('input#invto').val(); var invsubject = $('input#invsubject').val(); var invbody = $('textarea#invbody').val(); var post='invto='+invto+ '&invsubject=' + invsubject + '&invbody=' + invbody; var act_file = myPath +"act_invemail_anyone.php"; $.post(act_file, post, function(data) { $("div#responce_course_invemail_anyone").html(data); }); }); } // ==================== Trainer course updating ================================= function form_trainer_course() { $('#trainer_Coursesend').on('click', function() { var CTitle = encodeURIComponent($('input#CTitle').val()); var CDesc = encodeURIComponent($('textarea#CDesc').val()); var CCreator = $('input#CCreator').val(); var CEmail = $('input#CEmail').val(); var CFree = $('input#CFree').val(); var Clevel = $("#Clevel option:selected").val(); var CType = $("#CType option:selected").val(); var cCurrency_code = $("#cCurrency option:selected").val(); var cCurrency_text = $("#cCurrency option:selected").text(); var CType = $("#CType option:selected").val(); var Cduration = $('input#Cduration').val(); var Dtype = $("#Dtype option:selected").val(); var CRequirement = $('textarea#CRequirement').val(); //alert( document.getElementById( 'LDesc' ).value ); // The current editor data. var LDesc = escape(CKEDITOR.instances['LDesc'].getData()); // return false; var post='CTitle=' + CTitle + '&CDesc=' + CDesc + '&CFree=' + CFree +'&Clevel=' + Clevel +'&cCurrency_code=' + cCurrency_code +'&cCurrency_text='+ cCurrency_text +'&CType=' + CType +'&Cduration=' + Cduration +'&Dtype=' + Dtype +'&LDesc=' + LDesc +'&CRequirement=' + CRequirement +'&CCreator=' + CCreator + '&CEmail=' + CEmail; var act_file = myPath +"Post_course_trainer.php"; $.post(act_file, post, function(data) { $("div#responce_trainer_course").html(data); }); }); } // ==================== Course creation by trainer ================================= function form_trainer_create_course() { $('#trainer_Coursecreate').on('click', function() { $("div#responce_trainer_create_course").html(" Opslaan van gegevens, even geduld ..."); var CTitle = encodeURIComponent($('input#CTitle').val()); var CDesc = encodeURIComponent($('textarea#CDesc').val()); var post='CTitle='+CTitle+ '&CDesc=' + CDesc; var act_file = myPath +"act_step02_trainer_createCourse.php"; $.post(act_file, post, function(data) { $("div#responce_trainer_create_course").html(data); }); }); } // ==================== Trainer signup ================================= function form_trainer_signup() { $("#T_name").change(function(){ var file = myPath +"check_username.php"; $("#message").html(" Controleren ..."); var username=$("#T_name").val(); $.ajax({ type:"post", url: file, data:"username="+username, success:function(data){ if(data==0){ $("#message").html("beschikbaar"); } else{ $("#message").html("niet beschikbaar"); } } }); }); $('#trainer_signup').on('click', function() { $("div#responce").html(" Opslaan van gegevens, even geduld ..."); var T_name = $('input#T_name').val(); var pwd_1 = $('input#pwd_1').val(); var pwd_2 = $('input#pwd_2').val(); var FullName = $('input#FullName').val(); var email = $('input#email').val(); var WebsiteAdd = $('input#WebsiteAdd').val(); var post='U_name=' + T_name + '&pwd_1=' + pwd_1 + '&pwd_2=' + pwd_2 + '&FullName=' + FullName + '&WebsiteAdd=' + WebsiteAdd + '&email=' + email; var act_file = myPath +"act_trainer_signup.php"; $.post(act_file, post, function(data) { $("div#responce").html(data); }); }); } // ==================== Trainer personal information form ================================= function form_trainer_personalinfo() { $('#trainer_personal').on('click', function() { $("div#responce_trainer_personalinfo").html(" Opslaan van gegevens, even geduld ..."); var FullName = encodeURIComponent($('input#FullName').val()); var email = $('input#email').val(); var WebsiteAdd = $('input#WebsiteAdd').val(); var tele_no = $('input#tele_no').val(); var st_add = encodeURIComponent($('input#st_add').val()); var zip_code = encodeURIComponent($('input#zip_code').val()); var city = encodeURIComponent($('input#city').val()); var state = encodeURIComponent($('input#state').val()); var country = encodeURIComponent($('input#country').val()); var post='U_name=' + U_name +'&FullName=' + FullName +'&tele_no=' + tele_no +'&st_add=' + st_add +'&zip_code=' + zip_code +'&city=' + city +'&state=' + state +'&country=' + country + '&WebsiteAdd=' + WebsiteAdd + '&email=' + email; var act_file = myPath +"act_trainerPersonalinfoRashid.php"; $.post(act_file, post, function(data) { $("div#responce_trainer_personalinfo").html(data); }); }); } // ==================== Trainee personal information form ================================= function form_trainee_personalinfo() { $('#trainee_personal').on('click', function() { $("div#responce_trainee_personalinfo").html(" Opslaan van gegevens, even geduld ..."); var FullName = encodeURIComponent($('input#FullName').val()); var email = $('input#email').val(); var WebsiteAdd = $('input#WebsiteAdd').val(); var tele_no = $('input#tele_no').val(); var st_add = encodeURIComponent($('input#st_add').val()); var zip_code = encodeURIComponent($('input#zip_code').val()); var city = encodeURIComponent($('input#city').val()); var state = encodeURIComponent($('input#state').val()); var country = encodeURIComponent($('input#country').val()); var post='U_name=' + U_name +'&FullName=' + FullName +'&tele_no=' + tele_no +'&st_add=' + st_add +'&zip_code=' + zip_code +'&city=' + city +'&state=' + state +'&country=' + country + '&WebsiteAdd=' + WebsiteAdd + '&email=' + email; var act_file = myPath +"act_traineePersonalinfo.php"; $.post(act_file, post, function(data) { $("div#responce_trainee_personalinfo").html(data); }); }); } //=============== Sub Trainer Change Password ===================================== function form_trainer_personalinfo_changepassword() { $('#trainer_personal_changepwd').on('click', function() { $("div#responce_trainer_password").html(" Opslaan van gegevens, even geduld ..."); var U_name = $('input#U_name').val(); var old_pwd = $('input#old_pwd').val(); var pwd_1 = $('input#pwd_1').val(); var pwd_2 = $('input#pwd_2').val(); var post='U_name=' + U_name + '&old_pwd=' + old_pwd + '&pwd_1=' + pwd_1 + '&pwd_2=' + pwd_2 ; var act_file = myPath +"act_trainerPersonalPwd.php"; $.post(act_file, post, function(data) { $("div#responce_trainer_password").html(data); }); }); } //=============== Trainee Change Password ===================================== function form_trainee_personalinfo_changepassword() { $('#trainee_personal_changepwd').on('click', function() { $("div#responce_trainee_password").html(" Opslaan van gegevens, even geduld ..."); var U_name = $('input#U_name').val(); var old_pwd = $('input#old_pwd').val(); var pwd_1 = $('input#pwd_1').val(); var pwd_2 = $('input#pwd_2').val(); var post='U_name=' + U_name + '&old_pwd=' + old_pwd + '&pwd_1=' + pwd_1 + '&pwd_2=' + pwd_2 ; var act_file = myPath +"act_traineePersonalPwd.php"; $.post(act_file, post, function(data) { $("div#responce_trainee_password").html(data); }); }); } //=============== Trainee signup ===================================== function form_trainee_signup() { $("#U_name").change(function(){ var file = myPath +"check_username.php"; //alert (file); $("#message").html(" Controleren ..."); var username=$("#U_name").val(); $.ajax({ type:"post", url: file, data:"username="+username, success:function(data){ // alert ("(" + data + ")"); if(data==0){ $("#message").html("beschikbaar"); } else{ $("#message").html("niet beschikbaar"); } } }); }); $('#trainee_send').on('click', function() { $("div#responce").html(" Opslaan van gegevens, even geduld ..."); var U_name = $('input#U_name').val(); 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var post='U_name=' + U_name + '&pwd_1=' + pwd_1; var act_file = myPath +"act_login.php"; console.log (act_file); //alert(act_file); $.post(act_file, post, function(data) { $("div#responce").html(data); }); }); } // ===================== Trainee Enrollment Login Page =============================================================== function trainee_loginTVT() { $('#trainee_btn').on('click', function() { // alert ("asim"); $("div#responce").html(" Het verwerken van gegevens, even geduld ..."); var U_name = $('input#U_name').val(); var pwd_1 = $('input#pwd_1').val(); var cid = $('input#cid').val(); var ac = $('input#ac').val(); var post='U_name=' + U_name + '&pwd_1=' + pwd_1 + '&cid=' + cid + '&ac=' + ac; // var act_file = myPath + "act_trainee_login.php"; var act_file = rootPath + "act_login.php"; $.post(act_file, post, function(data) { $("div#responce").html(data); }); }); } // ===================== Contact Trainer thru email =============================================================== function form_contactTrainer() { $('#contact_trainer').on('click', function() { alert ("test"); $("div#responce_contactTrainer").html(" Het verwerken van gegevens, even geduld ..."); var email = $("#email option:selected").val(); var trainer_name = $("#email option:selected").text(); var subjectTrainer = $('input#subjectTrainer').val(); var message = $('textarea#message').val(); var post='email=' + email + '&subjectTrainer=' + subjectTrainer + '&trainer_name=' + trainer_name + '&message=' + message; var act_file = myPath +"act_emailTrainer.php"; alert (post); $.post(act_file, post, function(data) { alert (data); $("div#responce_contactTrainer").html(data); }); }); } // ===================== Contact Trainer thru email main page =============================================================== function contact_form() { $('#contact_send').on('click', function() { $("div#responce").html(" Het verwerken van gegevens, even geduld ..."); var name = $('input#name').val(); var email = $('input#email').val(); var message = encodeURIComponent($('textarea#message').val()); var post = 'name=' + name + '&email=' + email + '&message=' + message; 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// For handling the progress of the upload } return myXhr; }, //Ajax events // beforeSend: beforeSendHandler, success: function (data) { if (data != '0') { $("#responce").html (""); } else { $("#responce").html (""); } $('#SendfileUpload2').show(); return false; }, error: function() { alert("Error Occurred..."); $('#SendfileUpload2').show(); }, // Form data data: formData, //Options to tell jQuery not to process data or worry about content-type. cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false }); }); $('progress').hide(); } function Step08_trainer_signup() { // alert ("asim 1"); getCourseFilesForTrainerDashboard (); addFileFancyBox (); editFileFancyBox (); deleteFileFancyBox (); getCourseQuizzes (); addQuizFancyBox (); manageQuizFancyBox (); deleteQuizFancyBox (); addQuizQuestionAjaxCalled (); addCourseFilePageForTrainerDashboard (); scheduleFancyBox (); InvitationFancyBox (); EmailTemplatesFancyBox (); personalInfoFancyBox (); // alert ("asim"); } function deleteFileFancyBox () { $('.delete-file.fancybox').fancybox({ 'transitionIn' : 'fade', 'transitionOut' : 'fade', 'speedIn' : '800', 'speedOut' : '400', 'overlayShow' : true, 'overlayColor' : '#fcfcfc', 'padding' : '3', 'hideOnContentClick' : true, 'titlePosition' : 'outside', 'titleFormat' : null, 'width' : 500, 'height' : 800, 'onClosed': function () {getCourseFilesForTrainerDashboard ();} }); } function editFileFancyBox () { $('.edit-file.fancybox').fancybox({ 'transitionIn' : 'fade', 'transitionOut' : 'fade', 'speedIn' : '800', 'speedOut' : '500', 'overlayShow' : true, 'overlayColor' : '#fcfcfc', 'padding' : '3', 'hideOnContentClick' : true, 'titlePosition' : 'outside', 'titleFormat' : null, 'width' : 800, 'height' : 500, 'onClosed': function () {getCourseFilesForTrainerDashboard ();} }); } function addFileFancyBox () { $('.add-file.fancybox').fancybox({ 'transitionIn' : 'fade', 'transitionOut' : 'fade', 'speedIn' : '800', 'speedOut' : '400', 'overlayShow' : true, 'overlayColor' : '#fcfcfc', 'padding' : '3', 'hideOnContentClick' : true, 'titlePosition' : 'outside', 'titleFormat' : null, 'width' : 800, 'height' : 500, 'onClosed': function () {getCourseFilesForTrainerDashboard ();} }); } function deleteQuizFancyBox () { $('.delete-quiz.fancybox').fancybox({ 'transitionIn' : 'fade', 'transitionOut' : 'fade', 'speedIn' : '800', 'speedOut' : '400', 'overlayShow' : true, 'overlayColor' : '#fcfcfc', 'padding' : '3', 'hideOnContentClick' : true, 'titlePosition' : 'outside', 'titleFormat' : null, 'width' : 500, 'height' : 300, 'onClosed': function () {getCourseQuizzes ();} }); } function manageQuizFancyBox () { $('.manage-quiz.fancybox').fancybox({ 'transitionIn' : 'fade', 'transitionOut' : 'fade', 'speedIn' : '800', 'speedOut' : '500', 'overlayShow' : true, 'overlayColor' : '#fcfcfc', 'padding' : '3', 'hideOnContentClick' : true, 'titlePosition' : 'outside', 'titleFormat' : null, 'width' : 820, 'height' : 800, 'onClosed': function () {getCourseQuizzes ();} }); } function addQuizFancyBox () { $('.add-quiz.fancybox').fancybox({ 'transitionIn' : 'fade', 'transitionOut' : 'fade', 'speedIn' : '800', 'speedOut' : '400', 'overlayShow' : true, 'overlayColor' : '#fcfcfc', 'padding' : '3', 'hideOnContentClick' : true, 'titlePosition' : 'outside', 'titleFormat' : null, 'width' : 800, 'height' : 500, 'onClosed': function () {getCourseQuizzes ();} }); } function vlm () { $('.vlm1.fancybox').fancybox({ 'transitionIn' : 'fade', 'transitionOut' : 'fade', 'speedIn' : '800', 'speedOut' : '400', 'overlayShow' : true, 'overlayColor' : '#fcfcfc', 'padding' : '3', 'hideOnContentClick' : true, 'titlePosition' : 'outside', 'titleFormat' : null, 'width' : 937, 'height' : 450 }); } function scheduleFancyBox () { $('.schedule.fancybox').fancybox({ 'transitionIn' : 'fade', 'transitionOut' : 'fade', 'speedIn' : '800', 'speedOut' : '400', 'overlayShow' : true, 'overlayColor' : '#fcfcfc', 'padding' : '3', 'hideOnContentClick' : true, 'titlePosition' : 'outside', 'titleFormat' : null, 'width' : 1200, 'height' : 530, 'onStart': function () { $(this).attr("href", "act_courseTimezone.php?timezone=" + $("#timezone").val()); } }); } function InvitationFancyBox () { $('.invitation.fancybox').fancybox({ 'transitionIn' : 'fade', 'transitionOut' : 'fade', 'speedIn' : '800', 'speedOut' : '400', 'overlayShow' : true, 'overlayColor' : '#fcfcfc', 'padding' : '3', 'hideOnContentClick' : true, 'titlePosition' : 'outside', 'titleFormat' : null, 'width' : 550, 'height' : 500 }); } function EmailTemplatesFancyBox () { $('.email-templates.fancybox').fancybox({ 'transitionIn' : 'fade', 'transitionOut' : 'fade', 'speedIn' : '800', 'speedOut' : '400', 'overlayShow' : true, 'overlayColor' : '#fcfcfc', 'padding' : '3', 'hideOnContentClick' : true, 'titlePosition' : 'outside', 'titleFormat' : null, 'width' : 800, 'height' : 500 }); } function personalInfoFancyBox () { var folName = ""; $('.per_InfoFancyBox.fancybox').fancybox({ 'transitionIn' : 'fade', 'transitionOut' : 'fade', 'speedIn' : '800', 'speedOut' : '400', 'overlayShow' : true, 'overlayColor' : '#fcfcfc', 'padding' : '3', 'hideOnContentClick' : true, 'titlePosition' : 'outside', 'titleFormat' : null, 'width' : 850, 'height' : 500, 'onClosed': function () {window.location.reload();} // 'onClosed': function () {alert($("a#my-page-anchor").attr("href"));} // 'onCleanup': function () {alert(folName);} }); } function putCheckMark (strType) { var num = 0; $('ul.check').each(function() { if ($(this).hasClass(strType)) { $(this).find("li").prepend(''); num = $(this).find("li").length; } }); $('span').filter('#'+strType+'-number').html (num); // alert (num); } function addQuizQuestionAjaxCalled () { $('#btnAddQuizQuestion').on('click', function() { $("span.responce1").html(" Opslaan van gegevens, even geduld ..."); var qnSt = $('#qnSt').val(); var qnType = $('#qnType').val(); var qnTx = $('#qnTx').val(); var qnS1 = $('#qnS1').val(); var qnS2 = $('#qnS2').val(); var qnS3 = $('#qnS3').val(); var qnS4 = $('#qnS4').val(); var qnS5 = $('#qnS5').val(); var qnSn = $('#qnSn:checked').val(); var qnSnc = ""; $('#option-check-add input:checkbox').each (function () { qnSnc += (this.checked ? $(this).val() : ""); }); /* var qnSn1 = $('#qnSn1').val(); var qnSn2 = $('#qnSn2').val(); var qnSn3 = $('#qnSn3').val(); var qnSn4 = $('#qnSn4').val(); var qnSn5 = $('#qnSn5').val(); */ var qnEx = $('#qnEx').val(); // alert (qnSnc); // return; var post = 'qnSt=' + qnSt + '&qnType=' + qnType + '&qnTx=' + qnTx + '&qnS1=' + qnS1 + '&qnS2=' + qnS2 + '&qnS3=' + qnS3 + '&qnS4=' + qnS4 + '&qnS5=' + qnS5 + '&qnSn=' + qnSn + '&qnSnc=' + qnSnc + '&qnEx=' + qnEx; $.post('AjaxAddQuizQuestion.php', post, function(data) { // $("#addQ").reset(); document.getElementById("addQ").reset(); $("#option-radio-add").show(); $("#option-check-add").hide(); $("#possible-solutions-add").show(); $("span.responce1").html(data); }); }); } function editQuizQuestionAjaxCalled () { $('#btnEditQuizQuestion').on('click', function() { $("span.responce2").html(" Opslaan van gegevens, even geduld ..."); var qid = $('#qid').val(); var qnSte = $('#qnSte').val(); var qnTypee = $('#qnTypee').val(); var qnTxe = $('#qnTxe').val(); var qnSe1 = $('#qnSe1').val(); var qnSe2 = $('#qnSe2').val(); var qnSe3 = $('#qnSe3').val(); var qnSe4 = $('#qnSe4').val(); var qnSe5 = $('#qnSe5').val(); var qnSne = $('#qnSne:checked').val(); var qnSnce = ""; $('#option-check-edit input:checkbox').each (function () { qnSnce += (this.checked ? $(this).val() : ""); }); var qnExe = $('#qnExe').val(); var post = 'qid=' + qid + '&qnSte=' + qnSte + '&qnTypee=' + qnTypee + '&qnTxe=' + qnTxe + '&qnSe1=' + qnSe1 + '&qnSe2=' + qnSe2 + '&qnSe3=' + qnSe3 + '&qnSe4=' + qnSe4 + '&qnSe5=' + qnSe5 + '&qnSne=' + qnSne + '&qnSnce=' + qnSnce + '&qnExe=' + qnExe; //'AjaxEditQuizQuestion.php?'+post, "popupWindow", "width=600,height=600,scrollbars=yes"); $.post('AjaxEditQuizQuestion.php', post, function(data) { $("span.responce2").html(data); // alert ($('#btnEditQuizQuestion').parent('.question.accordion').html()); // alert ($('#Q-'+qid+' span').html()); $('#Q-'+qid+' span').html(qnTxe); }); }); } function deleteQuizQuestionAjaxCalled () { $('#btnDeleteQuizQuestion').on('click', function() { $("span.responce2").html(" Vraag het verwijderen, even geduld ..."); var qid = $('#qid').val(); var post = 'qid=' + qid; //'AjaxDeleteQuizQuestion.php?'+post, "popupWindow", "width=600,height=600,scrollbars=yes"); $.post('AjaxDeleteQuizQuestion.php', post, function(data) { $("span.responce3").html(data); Init_ManageQuizPage (); }); }); } function Init_ManageQuizPage () { if ($(".tab_content").hasClass("existing-questions")) { classes = {}; $(".tab_content").each(function() { $($(this).attr('class').split(' ')).each(function() { if (this !== '') { classes[this] = this; } }); }); //build the classnames quizID = ''; for (class_name in classes) { if (class_name.split('-')[0] == 'quiz') { quizID = class_name.split('-')[1]; } } getQuizQuestionsData (quizID); } $('#qnType').change (function () { var selectedOption = $(this).val(); // alert (selectedOption); switch (selectedOption) { case "1": { $("#option-radio-add").show(); $("#option-check-add").hide(); $("#possible-solutions-add").show(); break; } case "2": { $("#option-radio-add").hide(); $("#option-check-add").show(); $("#possible-solutions-add").show(); break; } case "3": { $("#option-radio-add").show(); $("#option-check-add").show(); $("#possible-solutions-add").hide(); break; } } // alert (selectedOption); }); } function applyEditQuestionFunctions () { $('#qnTypee').change (function () { var selectedOption = $(this).val(); onChangeQuestionTypeInEditMode (selectedOption); }); onChangeQuestionTypeInEditMode ($('#qnTypee').val()); editQuizQuestionAjaxCalled (); deleteQuizQuestionAjaxCalled (); // $('span.responce2').html ("applied"); } function onChangeQuestionTypeInEditMode (selectedOption) { switch (selectedOption) { case "1": { $("#option-radio-edit").show(); $("#option-check-edit").hide(); $("#possible-solutions-edit").show(); break; } case "2": { $("#option-radio-edit").hide(); $("#option-check-edit").show(); $("#possible-solutions-edit").show(); break; } case "3": { $("#option-radio-edit").show(); $("#option-check-edit").show(); $("#possible-solutions-edit").hide(); break; } } }